Friday, August 22, 2014

I'd like to visit Japan, or so I think.

Please bear in mind that, since this is an exercise, I will assume a lot of things about this country, and I might not really have strong proof for those assumptions or any other statement. I’m going to try and follow the questions provided by our teacher in order.

I would totally like to go to Japan. Well, some big cities at least. There is tons of stuff that I’d love to do there, most of them, completely different from what we may witness over here.
Japan is a diverse and multifaceted country (like most are nowadays), that exists between its old, vast and rich traditions and history, and the always so pushing and transforming forces of capitalism. One may visit a Shinto shrine to pay their respects on the morning, ride a train and get to the big metropolis, full of all sorts of commerce, to cater to every need or every fetish one may have in mind. Japanese language is so ancient, so amazingly populated with pun and wordplay, so much subtlety. The Japanese people’s culture can be so refined, varied and elegant, yet at the same time can be very oppressing, rigid and in some ways, stagnant.
I feel amazed to know that such a country, such a culture, can produce and influence so many of the things I like: Animation, Cinematography, Visual Arts, Music, Technology, and so on. I feel amazed because I, in some way I yet have to clarify to myself, I find in Chile some of the same contradictions, yet none of the refinement. Most of the subtlety, but not much diversity.
Oh, my, I just completely forgot the point I was trying to make clear here. Let’s scrap all of that and leave it like this: I like anime, cinema, art in general, and video games. Japan has it all, and at their best.

Please bear in mind, that I wrote this on the fly.


  1. is really amazing how japan culture changed the world only in a few years!

  2. I studied Japanese quite a few years back, but I do not recall having learnt so much about subtleties of the language.

  3. I would also like to visit Japan. What I think is more intersting about that country is the change that the american influence made in that culture.

    Have a nice weekend Fidel.
